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From a shadow file a hash looking like this was collected:

The $6$ implicates that it is a SHA-512.

Do I need to convert it into hex for hashcat (oclHashcat-lite) to be able to process it?

Regards SegFault
You dont need to convert, you can take it as it is. Do not forget to add -m 1800 (which oclHashcat-lite does not support)
(10-08-2012, 04:10 PM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]You dont need to convert, you can take it as it is. Do not forget to add -m 1800 (which oclHashcat-lite does not support)

Okey, thanks.
I'll try that and if it doesn't work I'll post again (thought I tried that before but have to try it again before I say something about it).

/ Segfault