hashcat Forum

Full Version: Why crack 7z file compressed with 7-zip only return a password?
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Hello everyone,

I'm using hashcat 6.1.1 and 7z2hashcat64-1.4 to crack 7z file was compressed 7-Zip File Manager.
i write a script python used -m 11600 for 7z file and rockyou file for dictionary, but the password result is only abcdefgh, even though i have put different password in the test files.

when i use cmd it return "Token length exception", "No hashes loaded."
Can you help me answer this issue?
the hashcat status prompt (output) must say:
Status...........: Cracked

only then the hashes are cracked. If you only see the password candidates it doesn't mean the hashes are cracked, these are just some passwords shown for the user that are currently tested against the hash.

you need to use 7z2hashcat.pl (perl script) from https://github.com/philsmd/7z2hashcat/ to convert a .7z file into a "hash".