Hi, i am trying to crack my Litecoin wallet, forgot the password.
What is the best approach? Which libraries, or just bruteforce? (How long would it take to just bruteforce it if it is 16 characters. Lol)
I have some of the password, i just cant fit it together right, and my mind cant guess correctly, was hoping a machine could guess better.
If anyone could script me a little program to run with hashcat to run everything smoothly i could pay.
I really need access to this wallet!
Help much appreciated!
Search for "Hash Crack, password cracking manual"
Good start, you will have to put a lot of work, it's not just about a script, or talk to password recovery Ppl
since you referenced a character length. Are you talking about the spending password. In that case, just use the seed phrase an recover the wallet. the spending password is just temporary to keep folks from walking up and gaining access to your crypto.
if the seed its self, the 12-24 word seed phrase. That's tricky. borderline unethical to do.
what is your scenario.
(11-15-2021, 04:02 AM)muffinetics Wrote: [ -> ]since you referenced a character length. Are you talking about the spending password. In that case, just use the seed phrase an recover the wallet. the spending password is just temporary to keep folks from walking up and gaining access to your crypto.
if the seed its self, the 12-24 word seed phrase. That's tricky. borderline unethical to do.
what is your scenario.
Hi, its a full node wallet, no seedphrase. Only a keyfile and a password. I got the keyffile, but cant remeber exactly how i made the password(remember i made a few tweaks to it to make it more secure) But guessing all that manually takes a while, when a computer programmed correctly could guess it in an hour i think
(11-19-2021, 12:20 PM)Lis4 Wrote: [ -> ] (11-15-2021, 04:02 AM)muffinetics Wrote: [ -> ]since you referenced a character length. Are you talking about the spending password. In that case, just use the seed phrase an recover the wallet. the spending password is just temporary to keep folks from walking up and gaining access to your crypto.
if the seed its self, the 12-24 word seed phrase. That's tricky. borderline unethical to do.
what is your scenario.
Hi, its a full node wallet, no seedphrase. Only a keyfile and a password. I got the keyffile, but cant remeber exactly how i made the password(remember i made a few tweaks to it to make it more secure) But guessing all that manually takes a while, when a computer programmed correctly could guess it in an hour i think
So the only way to crack it is to bruteforce it, as it is a AES-256-CBC encryption i think
What i dont know is how to make hashcat use a password i give it, and then try that password with different letters and numbers and so on. I know how i use wordlists, but not that.. Any guides on that here?
Percentage wise how much of the password do you know?