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I've been trying to figure this out but I'm failing miserably. Anyone can give me a helping hand? I have a DES Hash, the password is supposed to be between 10 and 14 characters (numbers, letters, upper/lower case).

My line goes: hashcat.exe -m 14000 file.txt -o cracked.txt...... and I'm stuck here.

I know I'm beyond newbie here, please don't hate me!

Thanks for your help and time Smile
Module 14000 searches for DES key using known pair "ciphertext:plaintext".
DES key size must be exactly 8 bytes (more often binary bytes rather than text).

Are you sure that you use correct hashcat module?
(05-15-2022, 09:19 AM)nick8606 Wrote: [ -> ]Module 14000 searches for DES key using known pair "ciphertext:plaintext".
DES key size must be exactly 8 bytes (more often binary bytes rather than text).

Are you sure that you use correct hashcat module?


No, I'm not sure at all, to be honest. I'm doing an online course and it's free, so I have no help at all from any teacher. The excercise says crack this DES Hash "XXXXXX" and as a "clue" it adds that the password is between 10 and 14 characters that can be numbers and be in upper or lowers case.

I thank you SO SO much for your help, I mean it. Thanks!