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Full Version: Using increment correctly with maskprocessor.
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I'm trying to use the increment option with maskprocessor, but when I use this command:
./mp64.bin -i 1:6 '$_$a$b'

I get the following result, which contains invalid rules:

What is the correct syntax that I need to use, to get the correct output of:
2 years later I have the same issue. trying to generate 1-4 digits based on the wiki example
mp64.exe -o bf.rule "$?d $?d $?d $?d" -i 1:4

i get

$0 $
$1 $
$2 $
$3 $
$4 $
$5 $
$6 $
$7 $
$8 $
$9 $

The problem seem to be that maskprocessor does count on chars (or bytes) and not on valid tokens.
mp64 -i1:4 ?d?d?d?d

result in output 1 up to 9999
(09-13-2024, 11:42 AM)Snoopy Wrote: [ -> ]mp64 -i1:4 ?d?d?d?d

result in output 1 up to 9999

Sorry, this example is about the append the digits to a wordlist, I think your example only generates a wordlist of numbers, doesn't it?
(09-13-2024, 11:44 AM)fsdafsadfsdsdaf Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-13-2024, 11:42 AM)Snoopy Wrote: [ -> ]mp64 -i1:4 ?d?d?d?d

result in output 1 up to 9999

Sorry, this example is about the append the digits to a wordlist, I think your example only generates a wordlist of numbers, doesn't it?

Okay got it, you want to generate the rules okay, you hve to split it up, it will not work with -increment as it counts the lenght of the "output" so you have to use this

mp64 "$?d" >> your_rulefile
mp64 "$?d $?d"  >> your_rulefile
mp64 "$?d $?d $?d"  >> your_rulefile
mp64 "$?d $?d $?d $?d   >> your_rulefile

result will be a file with all rules for adding 1 up to 9999