hashcat Forum

Full Version: Help with rules (5 letter word - 0000-9999 - 6 letter word)
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Hi I am trying to create 2 rules for my Xfinity default password. I found online a few 5 letter and 6 letter dictionarys and I used the mentalist to combine the 2 dictionarys, one being 5 letter word+6 letter word and 6 letter word+5 letter word. But everytime I use mp64 it only prints out 2 lines of rules. I saw another post about this with an example of
I51 i62 i73 i84

The above example should only does 1234 at the 5th letter word. But I still don't get the results I want 0000-9999. Any help is appreciated.
Why not just run with -a6 hashfile wordlist ?d?d?d?d
I'm not sure how feasible it is to create a rule file, as that should contain 10.000 lines.
Looking at your headline, what you actually want is to have 4 digits between the 2 wordlist, correct?

I would run hashcat -a6 5letter-wordlist ?d?d?d?d --stdout > 5letter-wordlist-digits

After that you could run

hashcat -a1 hashlist 5letter-wordlist-digits 6letter-wordlist

And then repeat the process with the 6letter-wordlist
I could do it that way and I tried it with the Mentalist but the output was 326gb file. I figured there would be an easy way creating a rule to keep the size down.
i figured it out, if anyone in the future is interested here is the link to the rule I made.

