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Full Version: TPlink - wifi passkey
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Hey all,

First time poster..
I have noticed that TP link routers have a 8pin passkey for their wifi set up as the default. 
Most people dont change this and i have had success in the pass with creating a crunch key file..

Can you share the netgear defaults.. I havn't owned a netgear before and all i am finding online are the typcial admin admin logins..

I would like to make a crunch based on this default system also.. 

On a side note. i have been using wifite and have obtained a handshake with tshark. when i try to convert to a hccpx file for cracking it does not work.. any help on this is appreciated.. 

(10-07-2022, 01:24 PM)meanjellybean Wrote: [ -> ]Hey all,

First time poster..
I have noticed that TP link routers have a 8pin passkey for their wifi set up as the default. 
Most people dont change this and i have had success in the pass with creating a crunch key file..

Can you share the netgear defaults.. I havn't owned a netgear before and all i am finding online are the typcial admin admin logins..

I would like to make a crunch based on this default system also.. 

On a side note. i have been using wifite and have obtained a handshake with tshark. when i try to convert to a hccpx file for cracking it does not work.. any help on this is appreciated.. 


This is what i get...
┌──(The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali)㉿The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali))-[~/Downloads/hs]
└─$ sudo wifite --check handshake_OptusADF4F0_5C-B1-3E-AD-F4-F2_2022-10-07T06-25-09.cap
  .              .   
.´  ·  .    .  ·  `.  wifite2 2.6.0
:  :  :  (¯)  :  :  :  a wireless auditor by derv82
`.  ·  ` /¯\ ´  ·  .´  maintained by kimocoder
  `    /¯¯¯\    ´    https://github.com/kimocoder/wifite2

[+] checking for handshake in .cap file handshake_OptusADF4F0_5C-B1-3E-AD-F4-F2_2022-10-07T06-25-09.cap
[+] Discovered essid "Optus_ADF4F0"
[+]  tshark: .cap file contains a valid handshake for 5c:b1:3e:ad:f4:f2
[!]    pyrit: .cap file does not contain a valid handshake
[!] aircrack: .cap file does not contain a valid handshake

but cant convert to a full file..
Handshake extraction successful:

hcxpcapngtool 6.2.4-52-gcb7c38b reading from 28216_1665145225.cap...
failed to read packet 2696

summary capture file
file name................................: 28216_1665145225.cap
version (pcap/cap).......................: 2.4 (very basic format without any additional information)
timestamp minimum (GMT)..................: 07.10.2022 12:24:22
timestamp maximum (GMT)..................: 07.10.2022 12:25:07
used capture interfaces..................: 1
link layer header type...................: DLT_IEEE802_11 (105)
endianess (capture system)...............: little endian
packets inside...........................: 2696
ESSID (total unique).....................: 1
BEACON (total)...........................: 1
BEACON (detected on 2.4GHz channel)......: 11
ACTION (total)...........................: 22
PROBERESPONSE (total)....................: 58
DEAUTHENTICATION (total).................: 2000
AUTHENTICATION (total)...................: 12
ASSOCIATIONREQUEST (total)...............: 4
ASSOCIATIONREQUEST (PSK).................: 4
WPA encrypted............................: 218
EAPOL messages (total)...................: 35
EAPOL RSN messages.......................: 35
EAPOLTIME gap (measured maximum usec)....: 20712975
EAPOL ANONCE error corrections (NC)......: working
REPLAYCOUNT gap (recommended NC).........: 8
EAPOL M1 messages (total)................: 17
EAPOL M2 messages (total)................: 4
EAPOL M3 messages (total)................: 12
EAPOL M4 messages (total)................: 2
EAPOL pairs (total)......................: 6
EAPOL pairs (best).......................: 2
EAPOL pairs written to combi hash file...: 2 (RC checked)
EAPOL M12E2 (challenge)..................: 1
EAPOL M32E2 (authorized).................: 1
PMKID (total)............................: 17
PMKID (best).............................: 8
PMKID written to combi hash file.........: 8
packet read error........................: 1

Warning: too many deauthentication/disassociation frames detected!
That can cause that an ACCESS POINT change channel, reset EAPOL TIMER,
renew ANONCE and set PMKID to zero.
This could prevent to calculate a valid EAPOL MESSAGE PAIR
or to get a valid PMKID.

Warning: missing frames!
This dump file does not contain undirected proberequest frames.
An undirected proberequest may contain information about the PSK.
It always happens if the capture file was cleaned or
it could happen if filter options are used during capturing.
That makes it hard to recover the PSK.

session summary
processed cap files...................: 1