hashcat Forum

Full Version: Can you make hashcat NOT try previous passwords tried with a different attack ?
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So I see that you can save sessions with hashcat, but it seems it only works with the specific attack that you are using at the moment, and that it is not possible to transfer the "non find" password ranges to another attack.

Or is it ? So what if you try different attacks, like :

  1. First a dictionary attach
  2. Then a combinator attack
  3. Then a mask attack
  4. And then a brute force attack

Is there a way to tell hashcat to NOT try a password that was already tried in the attacks previously done ? If yes, how ?
(01-02-2023, 02:10 PM)Snoopy Wrote: [ -> ]take a look at hashcat the brain


It seems to be exactly what I'm looking for, thanks !