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Full Version: [The Brain] reporting insufficent memory but ram is available
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the brain is reporting insufficent memory, but there should be enough RAM still available

hashcat (v6.2.6)

the brain ldmp file is ~32gb
RAM installed 64gb
resourcemonitor tells 41gb used, 23gb free

any idea how to handle this? btw it seems the brain is still working as its still reporting status lines like the following

1678210472.092809 | 0.00s |  0 | Insufficient memory available
1678210472.092809 |  0.00s |  2 | C |    0.48 ms | Hashes: 102125
1678210472.311502 |  0.22s |  1 | L |  222.68 ms | Long: 4401873753, Inc: 196608, New: 58841
1678210472.358377 |  0.03s |  0 | Wrote 1043616 bytes from attack 0xad0f945b in 258.76 ms
1678210472.358377 |  0.00s |  2 | R |  261.11 ms | Offset: 10235871663, Length: 196608, Overlap: 0
1678210472.749031 |  0.40s |  2 | L |  191.73 ms | Long: 4401873753, Inc: 196608, New: 61012
1678210472.764660 |  0.01s |  1 | R |    2.15 ms | Offset: 10236068271, Length: 137767, Overlap: 0
1678210472.983429 |  0.23s |  1 | L |  135.80 ms | Long: 4401873753, Inc: 137767, New: 44296
1678210473.124052 |  0.13s |  2 | R |    2.17 ms | Offset: 10236206038, Length: 135596, Overlap: 0
1678210473.327171 |  0.21s |  2 | L |  124.43 ms | Long: 4401873753, Inc: 135596, New: 41800