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Full Version: Unable To Crarck Hungarian Charset
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Hi I have a problem where I want to crack a password containing hungarian charachters. This is the command I use:

hashcat -a 3 -m 1000 c40d632f53a372397189a1dfc77b6cc7 -1 hu_cp1250.hcchr kabg50?1?1?1 -o password.txt --encoding-from cp1250 --encoding-to utf8

This is not the hash I want to crack, just the one I created for testing, this hash is: kabg50áéő
Which hashcat should crack with no problem, but for some reason it doesn't seem to find it.
When I convert back the HEX to string it doesnt give me the right password and says 0/1 recovered.
Does anyone know what the problem might be?

No idea, tried diffrent things, didn't work with NTLM, works with MD4 tho.
echo -n kabg50áéő | iconv -t utf16le | md4sum
The Hash I used was bad, cause I used a shitty NTLM generator and I have to use a HEX mask with a different Hashcat version.