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How can I do hashcat $metamask$BVBB.....  format reverse to metamask {"data":" to be able to import via memask vault (as far as I know the password)?
This is impossible to do
(06-17-2023, 03:57 PM)marc1n Wrote: [ -> ]This is impossible to do

Why? we do metamask2hashcat.py to get $metamask$... format 
why can do we reverse?
Hash is only extracted to crack password. It doesn't contain data of a wallet.
(06-17-2023, 07:15 PM)aikiuslik Wrote: [ -> ]Hash is only extracted to crack password. It doesn't contain data of a wallet.

The problem I have cracked password and hashcat hash. 
How can I get seeds? to restore wallet
You need a wallet to use the password. You cannot convert/reverse engineer password to a wallet. Nor hash or password contains information to reverse engineer wallet.