(07-25-2023, 02:17 PM)Snoopy Wrote: [ -> ] (07-25-2023, 01:18 PM)hijack Wrote: [ -> ]I have been plagued by an issue for over a year. I have a machine with 3x2080ti GPUs, and when hashcat starts working, I occasionally encounter the error "NvAPI_GPU_GetPerfPoliciesInfo(): NVAPI_NVIDIA_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND". The only solution is to force a power-off shutdown. I initially thought it might be a motherboard or GPU problem, but even with a brand new motherboard or GPU, the same error persists. I am seeking advice on how to resolve this issue. I humbly request everyone's assistance and I am immensely grateful!
please post output of hashcat -I
hashcat (v6.2.5) starting in backend information mode
CUDA Info:
CUDA.Version.: 12.0
Backend Device ID #1 (Alias: #4)
Name...........: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Processor(s)...: 68
Clock..........: 1545
Memory.Total...: 11263 MB
Memory.Free....: 9232 MB
PCI.Addr.BDFe..: 0000:02:00.0
Backend Device ID #2 (Alias: #5)
Name...........: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Processor(s)...: 68
Clock..........: 1635
Memory.Total...: 11263 MB
Memory.Free....: 9232 MB
PCI.Addr.BDFe..: 0000:03:00.0
Backend Device ID #3 (Alias: #6)
Name...........: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Processor(s)...: 68
Clock..........: 1545
Memory.Total...: 11263 MB
Memory.Free....: 9232 MB
PCI.Addr.BDFe..: 0000:04:00.0
OpenCL Info:
OpenCL Platform ID #1
Vendor..: NVIDIA Corporation
Version.: OpenCL 3.0 CUDA 12.0.147
Backend Device ID #4 (Alias: #1)
Type...........: GPU
Vendor.ID......: 32
Vendor.........: NVIDIA Corporation
Name...........: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Version........: OpenCL 3.0 CUDA
Processor(s)...: 68
Clock..........: 1545
Memory.Total...: 11263 MB (limited to 2815 MB allocatable in one block)
Memory.Free....: 9856 MB
OpenCL.Version.: OpenCL C 1.2
Driver.Version.: 528.49
PCI.Addr.BDF...: 02:00.0
Backend Device ID #5 (Alias: #2)
Type...........: GPU
Vendor.ID......: 32
Vendor.........: NVIDIA Corporation
Name...........: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Version........: OpenCL 3.0 CUDA
Processor(s)...: 68
Clock..........: 1635
Memory.Total...: 11263 MB (limited to 2815 MB allocatable in one block)
Memory.Free....: 9856 MB
OpenCL.Version.: OpenCL C 1.2
Driver.Version.: 528.49
PCI.Addr.BDF...: 03:00.0
Backend Device ID #6 (Alias: #3)
Type...........: GPU
Vendor.ID......: 32
Vendor.........: NVIDIA Corporation
Name...........: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Version........: OpenCL 3.0 CUDA
Processor(s)...: 68
Clock..........: 1545
Memory.Total...: 11263 MB (limited to 2815 MB allocatable in one block)
Memory.Free....: 9856 MB
OpenCL.Version.: OpenCL C 1.2
Driver.Version.: 528.49
PCI.Addr.BDF...: 04:00.0
OpenCL Platform ID #2
Vendor..: Intel(R) Corporation
Name....: Intel(R) OpenCL
Version.: OpenCL 1.2
Backend Device ID #7
Type...........: GPU
Vendor.ID......: 8
Vendor.........: Intel(R) Corporation
Name...........: Intel(R) HD Graphics
Version........: OpenCL 1.2
Processor(s)...: 10
Clock..........: 1050
Memory.Total...: 1629 MB (limited to 203 MB allocatable in one block)
Memory.Free....: 768 MB
OpenCL.Version.: OpenCL C 1.2
Backend Device ID #8
Type...........: CPU
Vendor.ID......: 8
Vendor.........: Intel(R) Corporation
Name...........: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G1840 @ 2.80GHz
Version........: OpenCL 1.2 (Build 10094)
Processor(s)...: 2
Clock..........: 2800
Memory.Total...: 8102 MB (limited to 1012 MB allocatable in one block)
Memory.Free....: 4019 MB
OpenCL.Version.: OpenCL C 1.2