10-26-2023, 01:08 PM
A few days back I had to reinstall The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) Linux again and after that my hashcat hasn´t worked very well. As soon as I try to use my GPU (Gefrcxe GTX 2080Ti)in hashcat it comes up"No devices found/left." I have tried my GPU in other softwares and it works just fine. After a bit of googling Iḿ led to believe that it is has to do with Nvidias driver. I have the 525.125.06 driver from them.
Am I right about this or doesn't the driver has anything to do with it, maybe the fault is on myself? I also wounder if there is any fix for this, or am I stuck with problem? If there isn´t any fix for it, may I should try and install an older driver, what do you guys and girls think about that me trying that?
Thanks a million in advance!
A few days back I had to reinstall The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) Linux again and after that my hashcat hasn´t worked very well. As soon as I try to use my GPU (Gefrcxe GTX 2080Ti)in hashcat it comes up"No devices found/left." I have tried my GPU in other softwares and it works just fine. After a bit of googling Iḿ led to believe that it is has to do with Nvidias driver. I have the 525.125.06 driver from them.
Am I right about this or doesn't the driver has anything to do with it, maybe the fault is on myself? I also wounder if there is any fix for this, or am I stuck with problem? If there isn´t any fix for it, may I should try and install an older driver, what do you guys and girls think about that me trying that?
Thanks a million in advance!