hashcat Forum

Full Version: Hash crack first charaters known
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How could I run a brute force when I know the first few letters of a hash? I am using this now:

hashcat -m100 -a3 -o cracked.txt. hashed.txt

I know the first 5 characters and their order. 
Thanks in advance for your help and time.
Nevermind I figured it out. Sorry I am still new to this stuff
If you want to create a command using hashcat you can ask chatgpt, if you don't have too complex request as far as I know it gives good suggestion. Just try asking "Im using hashcat and I want to create a command which is..."
(12-07-2023, 09:42 PM)Pontirez Wrote: [ -> ]How could I run a brute force when I know the first few letters of a hash? I am using this now:

hashcat -m100 -a3 -o cracked.txt Drift Boss hashed.txt

I know the first 5 characters and their order. 
Thanks in advance for your help and time.

If you know the first few characters of a hash and want to perform a brute force attack using hashcat, you can utilize the mask attack mode. The mask attack allows you to specify the structure or pattern of the password you are trying to crack.