What if i build apfs2john for macos and run it with terminal via MacOS recovery system. Will i get successfull extract hash for file vault?
I have mac 2019 pro with T2 and lost access to my data due forgot all passwords. But i need to restore it. And now i trying to find way for it. Thank you for help.
State of my task is next . I successfull extracted EncryptedRoot.plist.wipekey from preboot volume after it was mounted. Next step was make image volume of MacHDData which is file vault encrypted. I made this, but mmls, hdiutil and same else tools are not seeing there file system. Apfs2hashcat or john returned me
"Initialization of KeyManager failed.
Unable to init container.
My research lead me to conclusion that image i got is encrypted also with T2 chip while imaging or something else way. I already know about checkm8 and checkra1n projects which like i understand could to beat T2 encryption or get me ssh access to root but i dont understand what i could make with this. I have full access to my recovery os, also on this macbook installed ubuntu, maybe i dont need to make image and i could to use it directly for brute force. But question stay there, how i could to extract hash from ssd with T2 chip?
(01-03-2024, 01:09 PM)MikhailPole Wrote: [ -> ]how i could to extract hash from ssd with T2 chip?
at my knowledge, it's not possible
(on the other hand, there is a commercial tool Passware that does some low-speed-guessing when dealing with T2)