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Full Version: Non consitent rules behaviour. (Obviously nuby issue)
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I'm having issue with some simple rule files that don't consistently generate my desired output.

Probably due to my lack of understanding.

I have attached the pass phrases and rules files: (no room for output file, described in this post)

The pass phrases are 3 character keyboard walks (qwe through to bnm).

The rules:

rules0.txt - has nothing and reversed order
rules1.txt - has nothing and 3 digit walks  (123, 234, ... 432, 321)
rules2.txt - has nothing and special characters ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ { ] } \ | ; : ' " , < . > / ?
rules3.txt - has nothing, uppercase and capitalized

Rules2 is not being completely applied before the next pass phrase commences

Using command line: (version 6.2.5 - Ubuntu 22.04 hashcat-nvidia, RTX1070, driver 545.23.08)

hashcat --stdout passprhrase.txt -r rules0.txt -r rules1.txt -r rules2.txt -r rules3.txt >newphrases.txt

pass phrase qwe

Expected output of newphrases,txt

qwe123^                    however at here ^ through / are missing

And this behavior is not consistent as some pass phrases will have some of the special characters from rule two and
others wont.  Seems random which special characters are generated or not!

Are my rules correct and is this behavior repeatable by others?

Are you quite sure they aren't in the output file? Hashcat doesn't output candidates in the alphabetical order.
Actually I was expecting it to be in the rule order!!!

I did a manual search in the output file and found the missing entries!!!

What a dummy I am!

Maybe I should have sorted the results first.

But that has highlighted another issue.  The character "$" is never being appended with rule $$.
(02-09-2024, 07:24 AM)WallyZ Wrote: [ -> ]The character "$" is never being appended with rule $$.

Works for me. What version of hashcat are you using?
Version 6.2.5
I also tried $\x24 but couldn't get a dollar symbol to append.
Can't reproduce. How many lines is the resulting file?
Turns out to be the sort command requires the env variable LC_COLLATE=C to get case sensitive sorting!!!  Couldn't just make it an option on the sort command!  Icon of man banging head against wall.

With that I can find all the generated phrases where I'm expecting.

So hashcat is working as expected!!!

Thanks for your time