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Full Version: hashcat command that avoid special characters from wordlist
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Is there any command in hashcat to try all wordlist lines except the lines (candidates) that include special characters ?s

for example if the wordlist include !!!sara  or !@#!@#pass
then bypass trying these words

This will help minimize the time to find the password if we know the password doesn't  include special character specially when using rules

No there isn't such a command.

Even when running on slow hashes (few kh/s) it is faster to compute the hash than the logic for dropping these candidates, im mean what numbers we are talking about? whats your hashrate and wordlist count?

if you really need this, write a simple pythonscript for cleaning your wordlist using a simple string comparison pw.isalnum() this will be true for all alpha numerical passwords
(07-01-2024, 12:36 PM)Snoopy Wrote: [ -> ]No there isn't such a command.

Even when running on slow hashes (few kh/s) it is faster to compute the hash than the logic for dropping these candidates, im mean what numbers we are talking about? whats your hashrate and wordlist count?

if you really need this, write a simple pythonscript for cleaning your wordlist using a simple string comparison pw.isalnum() this will be true for all alpha numerical passwords

Thanks man, I resolve it by cleaning the wordlist with notepad++