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not sure im even gunna ask the right question here so here cause im just learning for fun in my spare time. If I have a password that is a 5 letter word 4 numbers and a 6 letter word and will not deviate from this pattern is there a way I can combine the 2 word lists to only act in that order?  <list1> <4 numbers> <list2>
(10-28-2024, 02:38 AM)muji Wrote: [ -> ]not sure im even gunna ask the right question here so here cause im just learning for fun in my spare time. If I have a password that is a 5 letter word 4 numbers and a 6 letter word and will not deviate from this pattern is there a way I can combine the 2 word lists to only act in that order?  <list1> <4 numbers> <list2>

well there a two possibilities here, depending on the input size of list1,

first, you could just add 0000 to 9999 to the first list by using hahscat with -stdout option, then just use this new list with list2 and combinator attack (depening on your list1, the result list will be 10.000 time bigger, so there could be a storage problem, depending on list1) 

take a look at hahscat utils and combinator3 https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=hashcat_utils, prepare a third list with 0000-9999 (again, hahscat --stdout or maskprocesser is your friend) aus then use these 3 lists and combintor3 to feed hashcat throug a pipe (see wiki for that, i think there are some examples given poit generate more speed for slow hashes)