hashcat Forum

Full Version: How to find the last n characters of a password
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Completely new, no experience with this tool.

I have a 12 character password for which I know the SHA1 hash and the first 7 characters.
How would I go about finding the rest of the password? I don't wish to use any word sets, just a straightforward brute force to find the last 5 characters.
hashcat -m 100 YourHash -a 3 FIRST7C?a?a?a?a?a
Just replace "YourHash" of course with your hash and "FIRST7C" with the first 7 known characters. Hashcat should output "Status.....: Cracked" if it cracked your password and show your hash and the hash:plaintext above that
(11-17-2024, 05:01 AM)penguinkeeper Wrote: [ -> ]Command:
hashcat -m 100 YourHash -a 3 FIRST7C?a?a?a?a?a
Just replace "YourHash" of course with your hash and "FIRST7C" with the first 7 known characters. Hashcat should output "Status.....: Cracked" if it cracked your password and show your hash and the hash:plaintext above that
