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Before I'll start testing all my pw's I want to get used in this programm.

So I tryed the examples in cudaHashcat-lite64 and there were no problems.
After this I imagined a pw with 8 chars and only small letters and numbers and I generated a sha512hash with cain's HashCalculator to test this one, but I did not succeed.

My Hash:

My batch:
cd C:\Users\Gelle\Desktop\oclHashcat-lite-0.10
cudaHashcat-lite64 -m 1700 25F047A2BCE22366FBEBAD14EDC14E9BE33CA57FECE7F806253D76686E60D0884C7A38CC5845DDD4C55C495749EE1DC16B938BB739D99FE3966BA0F734E73294 -1 ?l?d ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1

and the output:
C:\Users\Gelle\Desktop\oclHashcat-lite-0.10>cudaHashcat-lite64 -m 1700 25F047A2B
9EE1DC16B938BB739D99FE3966BA0F734E73294 -1 ?l?d ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
cudaHashcat-lite v0.10 by atom starting...

Password lengths range: 1 - 55
Watchdog: Temperature abort trigger set to 90c
Watchdog: Temperature retain trigger set to 80c
Device #1: GeForce GTX 275, 896MB, 1404Mhz, 30MCU

[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit => ERROR: cuLaunchKernel() 701

Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .

I don't want you to crack my hash, because it's imagined anyway, but it would be nice if you can tell me, what I was doing wrong.
Command is fine. Problem is cuLaunchKernel() returned 701, which is CUDA_ERROR_LAUNCH_OUT_OF_RESOURCES. You might be able to get it to run with a lower -n value.
cd C:\Users\Gelle\Desktop\oclHashcat-lite-0.10
cudaHashcat-lite64 -m 1700 -n 8


8CC5845DDD4C55C495749EE1DC16B938BB739D99FE3966BA0F734E73294 -1 ?l?d


I tryed -n 1, 8, 40, 160
I read a value of 80 is default.
nv dirver is the latest one
also tryed different loops and gpu-async in some different compinations

cd C:\Users\Gelle\Desktop\oclHashcat-lite-0.10
cudaHashcat-lite64 -m 1700 -n 80 --gpu-loops=128 --gpu-async 25F047A2BCE22366FBEBAD14EDC14E9BE33CA57FECE7F806253D76686E60D0884C7A38CC5845DDD4C55C495749EE1DC16B938BB739D99FE3966BA0F734E73294 -1 ?l?d ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1

Q9400 @3,2
probably time to upgrade then.
You mean Hardware, aren't you?
Software is up to date.

But I do not understand, why there is no problem with normal md5 and on the other side sha512 isn't working.
yes, i mean hardware. the problem is sha512 requires much more vram than the other hash types, hence the out of resources error.
Wel, didn't thaught 896MB won't be enough, but actually they are.

There is one other question I have:
I read something about the sha hashes, stored in linux's shadow file. I use the same pw on all my systems. Whereas I cracked my win-pw in some seconds I had no luck with my linux system (but its the same pw).

As I understand, the sha512 hash on linux is salted and converted in a non hex string. Can I just convert this salted non hex string to a hex-string (with cain's hexconverter) and use hashcat on this string, or isn't this working.

Maybe you can tell me a tutorial on how to convert linux hash strings


PS: I was quiet fascinated on how hashcat cracked th win-pw within seconds wheras cain's cpu based brute-force ist still working. I compared the speed's and found out that gpu based cracking is up to 150 times faster on my system.
sha512 hashes in linux shadow file is actually sha512crypt, not raw sha512.
well but is there a way to work with this hash? Can you decrypt this sha512crypt to a normal sha512hash?
no. crypt uses PBKDF2.
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