04-28-2013, 07:17 PM
I was recently contacted by a person who at that point prefers to remain undisclosed and who provided me sample android encrypted disk images with the passwords to them.
I was able to identify the scheme use and write a fully-functional CPU plugin and GPU kernel in a day (mostly because it reused lots of my previous LUKS code).
The person wanted me to share the algorithm details with hashcat's community, so here are the details about that and here's how to validate the password.
* Needed data
The data needed is located in the image footer, exactly 16KB before the end of the file. It consists of the following:
4 bytes: "magic" should be 0xD0B5B1C4
2 bytes: major version (should always be 1)
2 bytes: minor version
4 bytes: footer_size
4 bytes: flags (unused)
4 bytes: spare1 (unused)
8 bytes: image size (unused)
4 bytes: failed password attempts (unused)
up to 64 bytes: ciphername (should be aes-cbc-essiv
Read the footer, skip (sizeof(footer_struct) - footer_size) bytes, then read the encryptedkey (16 bytes), skip 32 bytes, read the salt (16 bytes).
You should now have encryptedkey (16 bytes), salt (16 bytes)
* The algorithm:
It is a very very lightweight version of dmcrypt/LUKS with all the anti-forensic split/merge stuff removed, PBKDF2 iterations hardcoded to 2000 and block decryption mode of operation set to aes-cbc-essiv
ha256. So here is how a password is converted to key and how the key is used to decrypt:
1) Password is passed through PBKDF2-SHA1 using 2000 iterations, the 16-byte salt found from the image footer. Output is 32 bytes, so in effect you have double the iterations because sha1 output is just 20 bytes, not 32.
2) Decrypt the encryptedkey using AES-128 in CBC mode with the first 16 bytes of PBKDF2 output as key and the next 16 bytes as IV. You will get the decrypted_key, 16 bytes long.
3) Using the decrypted_key you can now decrypt device from the byte 0, using CBC-ESSIV mode, which works like that:
3a) Get the SHA256 hash of the decrypted key
3b) Use it as AES256 key to encrypt a 4-byte integer, which is the sector number (each sector is 512 bytes)
3c) The result is the "sector key" which is then used to decrypt the sector data using AES128-CBC. You can decrypt at most 512 bytes, the next sector is encrypted with different key (which is derived from decrypted key and sector number).
* Password validation
That was a bit tricky and there is possibly a faster way, but here is what I came with (requires 2 sectors of 512 bytes to decrypt). It is based on the fact that only FAT and ext4 filesystems are supported. You can use the following documents:
So for the first case (FAT filesystem) you need to decrypt the first several bytes of sector 0, get the 8 bytes at offset 0x03, compare them with "MSDOS5.0" and you are basically OK.
For the ext3 case it is a bit more complicated. Read and decrypt sector 2 (1024-1536 bytes). Then take advantage of the fact that s_creator_os, s_rev_level are 32-bit values that should never be bigger than 4, s_minor_rev_level is a 16-bit value that should also never be higher than 4.
Voila. Speeds are over 250K c/s on 7970 and potentially can get much higher if we do everything on the GPU rather than transferring back to host to perform decryption and comparisons.
Hope that's helpful.
I was able to identify the scheme use and write a fully-functional CPU plugin and GPU kernel in a day (mostly because it reused lots of my previous LUKS code).
The person wanted me to share the algorithm details with hashcat's community, so here are the details about that and here's how to validate the password.
* Needed data
The data needed is located in the image footer, exactly 16KB before the end of the file. It consists of the following:
4 bytes: "magic" should be 0xD0B5B1C4
2 bytes: major version (should always be 1)
2 bytes: minor version
4 bytes: footer_size
4 bytes: flags (unused)
4 bytes: spare1 (unused)
8 bytes: image size (unused)
4 bytes: failed password attempts (unused)
up to 64 bytes: ciphername (should be aes-cbc-essiv

Read the footer, skip (sizeof(footer_struct) - footer_size) bytes, then read the encryptedkey (16 bytes), skip 32 bytes, read the salt (16 bytes).
You should now have encryptedkey (16 bytes), salt (16 bytes)
* The algorithm:
It is a very very lightweight version of dmcrypt/LUKS with all the anti-forensic split/merge stuff removed, PBKDF2 iterations hardcoded to 2000 and block decryption mode of operation set to aes-cbc-essiv

1) Password is passed through PBKDF2-SHA1 using 2000 iterations, the 16-byte salt found from the image footer. Output is 32 bytes, so in effect you have double the iterations because sha1 output is just 20 bytes, not 32.
2) Decrypt the encryptedkey using AES-128 in CBC mode with the first 16 bytes of PBKDF2 output as key and the next 16 bytes as IV. You will get the decrypted_key, 16 bytes long.
3) Using the decrypted_key you can now decrypt device from the byte 0, using CBC-ESSIV mode, which works like that:
3a) Get the SHA256 hash of the decrypted key
3b) Use it as AES256 key to encrypt a 4-byte integer, which is the sector number (each sector is 512 bytes)
3c) The result is the "sector key" which is then used to decrypt the sector data using AES128-CBC. You can decrypt at most 512 bytes, the next sector is encrypted with different key (which is derived from decrypted key and sector number).
* Password validation
That was a bit tricky and there is possibly a faster way, but here is what I came with (requires 2 sectors of 512 bytes to decrypt). It is based on the fact that only FAT and ext4 filesystems are supported. You can use the following documents:
So for the first case (FAT filesystem) you need to decrypt the first several bytes of sector 0, get the 8 bytes at offset 0x03, compare them with "MSDOS5.0" and you are basically OK.
For the ext3 case it is a bit more complicated. Read and decrypt sector 2 (1024-1536 bytes). Then take advantage of the fact that s_creator_os, s_rev_level are 32-bit values that should never be bigger than 4, s_minor_rev_level is a 16-bit value that should also never be higher than 4.
Voila. Speeds are over 250K c/s on 7970 and potentially can get much higher if we do everything on the GPU rather than transferring back to host to perform decryption and comparisons.
Hope that's helpful.