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Full Version: modified-batchcrack.sh
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same as the batchcrack.sh but I added rules option and all wordlist in the folder instead of just two. I found out today that my rules were not even running right so it all works now in cygwin ..


http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/fu.txt for examples/help

Here some things/Ideas i want to add:
* auto bin or exe path detect 32 or 64 in windows and *nix auto detect CUDA or OPENCL
* maybe some kind of benchmark test to auto set what rules/wordlist it uses based on hashtype selected and benchmark results ( basically autopwn for OCLhashcat ) maybe set a max time to crack
* import AD password policy tool and automagicly find/remove/use rules based on the AD password policy

anyway im off to bed.. my poor pile of crap video card... thanks all
Session.Name...: cudaHashcat-plus
Status.........: Running
Rules.Type.....: File (./rules/T0XlC.rule)
Input.Mode.....: File (../Dictionaries/18_in_1.lst)
Hash.Target....: ****************************
Hash.Type......: NTLM
Time.Started...: Sun May 19 02:59:01 2013 (19 mins, 2 secs)
Time.Estimated.: Sun May 19 13:38:43 2013 (10 hours, 20 mins)
Speed.GPU.#1...:   559.7M/s
Recovered......: 0/1 (0.00%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
Progress.......: 635031470080/21335242138320 (2.98%)
Rejected.......: 0/635031470080 (0.00%)
HWMon.GPU.#1...: 99% Util, 70c Temp, 1950rpm Fan

7 char password caps and special chars and a number Tongue It’s a 1337 speak password. I see 1337 speak quite often ...almost all the time
I have been experimenting with using freeradius-wpe to collect credentials from WPA enterprise wireless set ups.
see that postSmile