first of all wow atom your amazing making all this possible thanks !! M@LIK iv read many of your posts you are the sed script god
so my question is what does the -t option do brute force wise ? i thought it cancelled letters out eg -t25 would use 25 letters instead of 26 ? iv searched through the forum but cannot find.
thanks m8 but it says i dont have permission to view. i have definitely activated account.
ah sorry, that's in the beta tester forum.
basically the threshold parameter defines the maximum number of characters to be added to the Markov table. it's used for keyspace reduction, e.g. for an 8-char password and a threshold of 36, it would reduce the keyspace from 95^8 to 36^8.
thanks m8 think i get it so would using
sp64.bin --pw-min 8 --pw-max 8 -t26 hashcat.hcstat ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l
create random letter combinations of lower alpha but without unlikely ones eg aaabbccd
im using m@liks sed script at mo but its very slow at generating would love to get statsprocessor doing it.
well, it wouldn't be random letter combinations. they would be probabilistically-ordered. but yes, it would only try the 26^8-th most probable combinations, without trying the more unlikely ones.
One question on barboy's example above. Wouldn't be
sp64.bin --pw-min 8 --pw-max 8 -t26 hashcat.hcstat ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l
the same as
sp64.bin --pw-min 8 --pw-max 8 ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l
in terms of keyspace e.g. both 26^8? Just beeing probabilistically-ordered?
Background of my question ist the new .hcmask feature in oclHashcat-plus 0.15 I am using. I am looping through hcmasks - starting with full masks without -t setting, managable by my GPU/calculated time, then one with added characters in the .hcmask but using -t.
My calculation based on the wiki (
would be for example (a simplified example/one entry in a .hcmask file) that:
(26^4 = 456.976)
in .hcmask 1 would be aproximately the same as
(14^5 = 537.824)
in .hcmask2 in terms of keyspace?
Maybe I got something wrong, but I'm not sure...
sorry for my english, hope you get my question
i didn't actually read his example, but yes, it would be the same thing. and both would be probabilistically ordered regardless. and in both cases you do not need --pw-max
regarding how you're calculating the threshold for each keyspace, that looks sane enough.