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Full Version: oclHashcat v1.01
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Download here: http://hashcat.net/oclhashcat/

Full changelog

type: driver
file: kernels
desc: added support for AMD Catalyst v13.12

type: feature
file: host programs
desc: added --generate-rules-seed, sets seed used for randomization so rulesets can be reproduced

type: feature
file: host programs
desc: updated/added some hcchr charset files in /charsets, some new files: Bulgarian, Polish, Hungarian
cred: Rub3nCT

type: bug
file: host programs
desc: when using -m 2500 w/ multi hccap files there was no error shown if the user mixed WPA and WPA2 networks, this is currently not allowed
trac: #222
thanks,happy new year everyone
Happy new year Atom. And thanks a bunch!
I get a 404 error.
Real link is http://hashcat.net/files/oclHashcat-1.01.7z
(related to http://hashcat.net/forum/thread-2973.html)

Thanks atom !
Thank you very much ! Smile
Hey guys!Can you tell me how to get GPU Utilization back up to 99% like it was in oclHashcat-plus-0.14?



Problem solved! Smile
Just wondering if there was any particular reason for removing pw-limit and pw-skip options? It was a workaround for me to distribute computations using MPI. Now the only way is to split the mask between the nodes and use a custom charset.
(01-22-2014, 03:24 AM)vn1k Wrote: [ -> ]Just wondering if there was any particular reason for removing pw-limit and pw-skip options? It was a workaround for me to distribute computations using MPI. Now the only way is to split the mask between the nodes and use a custom charset.

Just wait a bit, it will come back in the next release.
Nice work gritings from CROATIA
Pages: 1 2