Hi Guys... Im using the GUI version of hashcat. I recently downloaded several password lists from skullsecurity, including the ever famous rockyou file. The rockyou file appears to be working (I think?), however when I download other files such as the "facebook-first-names" or the "500worstpasswords" or generally any other list on that site, hashcat rejects ~70% of the passwords... When I open the file in notepad all the passwords are smushed together "12345applejohnwatermelon" etc. Is hashcat reading the list word by word? Or is is all mangled. Im assuming these lists were formatted for Linux but hashcat should be able to break them down no? ANy help would be awesome...
GUI isnt supported here. Check the place you got it from for support.
(01-15-2014, 06:36 AM)radix Wrote: [ -> ]GUI isnt supported here. Check the place you got it from for support.
Its really not a GUI question.. Im just letting you know what I use. The problem is with oclhashcat and the way its processing these dictionaries from a very well known website. rockyou.txt is the only one that appears to be working. The other lists...the majority of the words get rejected.
what version of oclhashcat?
(01-15-2014, 06:54 AM)radix Wrote: [ -> ]what version of oclhashcat?
oclhashcat 1.0.1
Try downloading
http://downloads.skullsecurity.org/passw...ds.txt.bz2 for example. I uncompressed it with winzip. Ran it in oclhashcat and all 500 words were rejected. Again, Im not sure if this is because im using windows (dos command prompt) and the list was complied for use in Linux, or what? I haven't heard of anyone else having an issue though... Like I said.. if you open the file the passwords are all "together" (i.e. apple12345steve999999thirsty) etc where usually lists ive seen in windows are in columns...
I could be way off... I dunno?
mmm, not having that problem, and dont have windows to verify. can you change it in notepad maybe?
(01-15-2014, 07:08 AM)radix Wrote: [ -> ]mmm, not having that problem, and dont have windows to verify. can you change it in notepad maybe?
I don't see a way to change it... Esp on a list > 10 million words...
(01-15-2014, 07:08 AM)radix Wrote: [ -> ]mmm, not having that problem, and dont have windows to verify. can you change it in notepad maybe?
Well... I may have found a reason but I need to research it more... Im cracking WPA, which I believe has an 8 character minimum. That "500 worse passwords" list only has about 40 passwords of 8 characters or more.. Gonna look into the other lists. Maybe test it with some rules making the passwords longer.
notepad can't interpret text files with lf linebreaks, that's why all of the words look smooshed together. this is purely an aesthetic issue though, as hashcat can read lf linebreaks just fine.
your problem is precisely what you identified: wpa has an 8char minimum, and apparently 70% of the words in your wordlist do not meet that requirement, and are therefore being rejected.