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Full Version: Maximum hashfile length
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What is the maximum number of hashes that can be in a hashfile in oclHashcat 1.01?

I'm getting a clCreateBuffer() -61 error when I try to load a large hashfile.

I could have sworn I saw it somewhere, but my search-fu is lacking.

Why not split the file? It is going to be dependent on the system.
it depends entirely on how much ram your graphics card has. setting the following environment variable will help as well:


if that still doesn't help, you will need to split your hashfile as coolbry95 suggested.

note that amd's memory controllers suck, so large hash file performance will be worse than you expect. atom has done some work in 1.20 wrt to bitmap sizes to help mitigate this, but it might be in your best interest to just split the hashfile regardless.