hashcat Forum

Full Version: many dictonaries
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Tell me, how do I connect hashcat in many dictionaries to attack on WPA hash in my folder are many files .dic and .txt extensions, as I do not use all of them without association one file?

And the second question, whether through hashcat limit the generation of hash for the password that is less than 8 characters (for the WPA hash is not necessary)

You can just specify the the directory with all of the .dic and .txt. The file extensions do not matter.

If the word is less than 8 characters it will just be rejected.
Tell me what parameters to run the program to start the brute force dictionaries of this directory.

And when brute force WPA I understand less than 8 characters are automatically skipped and it does not need to specify any parameters?
so... what?
oclhashcat -m 2500 wpa.hccap ./wordlists/
big thanks!