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Full Version: Wordlists
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Hey guys, I was recently working on small app that can create wordlists.

So I've got word lists like:
small letters 1-5.
small letters 6-6.
small letters 7-7..

and all in one Capital,small, numbers up to 8.

Anyone need such wordlists? Or if you need anything else fell free to post below and i will send you over Smile

From 1-4 chars(Upper,Lower Case, Numbers) - Download
From 5-5 chars(Upper,Lower Case, Numbers) - Download
Generating wordlists from bruteforce keyspace is not a good idea. Mask attack will be several orders of magnitude faster.
(01-05-2015, 04:46 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]Generating wordlists from bruteforce keyspace is not a good idea. Mask attack will be several orders of magnitude faster.

Idk I've tried at me with 8 chars that on brute i usually need 1day it finished in 1hr or less Smile So i was like why not sharing with others Smile
That doesn't make any sense, I think you're doing something wrong and just haven't realized it.
Yeah, k3yw0rm, like epixoip said, it doesn't make any sense that a wordlist run would be faster than a brute force attack.
Agreed, pointless storing whole key-spaces in word-lists when u can brute-force (will also be faster as no disc IO). oclHashcat supports numerous attack methods inc brute and also:

word-list + mask
mask + word-list

You should also use rules!