hashcat Forum

Full Version: how can i use an old version of cudaHashcat?
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today when i run cudaHashcat(1.30), an error pops:
ERROR: This copy of cudaHashcat is outdated. Get a more recent version.

so i downloaded the newest version(1.32) and execute again. but this time, another error comes out:
ERROR: cuModuleLoad() 209

i've read that this error indicates that it requires a new version of nvidia driver, but i don't want to update the driver, as updating driver may brings new bugs and may affect system stability.

so i wonders is there any way to use the old version of cudaHashcat? it used to work perfectly
No, please update your driver.

New oclHashcat version and new driver versions should work better, have several fixes and performance gains etc.

It is always good to be up-to-date with oclHashcat and updating both should not "brings new bugs" and should not "affect system stability".
If you're that desperate, turn back your system clock to last year Tongue.
Updating NVIDIA drivers on Windows can risk system stability.

I did successfully upgrade to 347.25 over the weekend, in order to run the latest cudaHashcat.