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Full Version: Mask file with Custom Character sets
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I'm trying to design a mask file using custom character sets. For example, I'm trying to cover all the usages of the word "Password" followed by digits, so this would include permutations of "s" for "$", upper to lower, etc.

Following the format for the mask file provided on


I have a mask file (commons.mask) with the following:


using the command:

sudo ./cudaHashcat64.bin -a 3  -d 1 -o /home/test/hashcracked2.txt --hash-type=1000 --force uncracked.txt masks/commons.mask

And I'm getting a syntax error:

ERROR: syntax error: oO0,rR,Dd,?1?2?3?3?4?5?6?7?d?

I feel like I'm missing something very basic here. Any ideas?


1. https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=mas...mask_files clearly says that the format is like this:
It also says that the first 4 fields are optional only the mask is required. Since oclHashcat supports 4 custom charsets ( see https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=mas...m_charsets ) , the .hcmask file is also limited to these 4 (custom charset) fields (?1, ?2, ?3 and ?4)

2. regarding your specific example, it looks that you don't really want to use masks but instead want to apply some rules ( https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=rule_based_attack ) on a specific base word ("Password"). Please have a look at the rule wiki page, especially rules like l, u, c, C, ss$ etc

3. Furthermore, users who use --force are not very likely to get any helpful responses, because they (in most of the cases) did not install the drivers needed or messed up the installation of the driver. Please look here for the driver you need to install ( https://hashcat.net/oclhashcat/ ) and always install the newest version of oclHashcat too. --force can result in missed cracks and other strange behavior.

Thanks for the information about rules. I'll investigate. It appears that it is the four set limitation causing the error.

Regarding the "--force", thanks for pointing that out. My drivers are working fine and it is not needed. I think it was a relic from early troubleshooting that was left in my command.
