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Full Version: Best gpu for $250 or lower
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I was thinking about the raedon 7970 but I read alot of reviews of it getting hot, which is the best for hash cracking md5 types salted and all? Please let me know as I am running a nvidia gti 550 ti lol I Want to upgrade asap and once I get some opinons I am buying it today so I would like to know thank you!
7970 doesn't run hot unless you buy an OEM design card, which you should never do. Always buy reference design. If you're open to buying used GPUs, then a used 7970 reference design would be within your budget. You might even be able to pick up a used R9 290X reference design for that price.
would the r9 290x be better then the 7970?
and would that be the next step up from the 7970
so is this what you recommend? I don't really need any powerful then the 7970 as long as the heat stays down: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.as...-_-Product
That is an OEM design card, not a reference design card. You will have cooling issues with that card.
(04-10-2015, 05:21 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]That is an OEM design card, not a reference design card. You will have cooling issues with that card.

Could you link me to the one your talking about?
reference design looks like this: http://www.hisdigital.com/un/product2-678.shtml

If the cooler looks differently it's OEM.
Their is no buy option :/
The one u posted is like $500 but it's a Radeon 7970 I don't get is their a cheaper alternative instead of his? Sorry new