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I am trying to crack Truecrypt containers not whole drives.
Preferably windows but I'll take what I can get.
For example the passwords are cascaded by Twofish/Serpent and a Whirlpool hash.
Example: don'tCumKnocking10105050HaGotYa%
where the unknown is two character injected between the 1010 and 5050
so if the unknown was L* would be: don'tCumKnocking1010L*5050HaGotYa%
Can someone please help me to do this?
Thank you.
This is generally not related to the hash-type. It works for all of them. You just need to understand how to write masks. If you partially know strings from the password read this article:

FAQ: I have a half-known password. I know the first 4 letters, can oclHashcat get the rest of the password?
(06-12-2015, 10:49 AM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]This is generally not related to the hash-type. It works for all of them. You just need to understand how to write masks. If you partially know strings from the password read this article:

FAQ: I have a half-known password. I know the first 4 letters, can oclHashcat get the rest of the password?

Thank you for responding.
I will have a look at it.
That stuff is way over my head.
All that I am trying to do is :
the password starts with don'tCumKnocking1010
then it is two characters which I do not know, I need to test for all of them
then the password ends with :
so it if the two characters are AB then :
would be the complete password.
Is there an easy way to do this?
Thank you
"don'tCumKnocking1010?a?a5050HaGotYa%" should cover it on mode -a 3