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Full Version: How does -q and -r work with maskprocessor?
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In Mask Processor How to use -q & -r Function ..Please Anyone tell me with Clear Example //??
The --help explains it very clearly:

-q, --seq-max=NUM Maximum number of multiple sequential characters
-r, --occurrence-max=NUM Maximum number of occurrence of a character

This means, that you should use -q if you want to limit the repetition of some characters (directly attached to each other).
-r instead should be used if you want to limit the occurrence within the whole password candidate (or lets say the whole output line).

The values are numbers (NUM), so an example could be:
mp64.exe -q 3 ?a?a?a?a?a
(08-13-2015, 01:02 PM)philsmd Wrote: [ -> ]The --help explains it very clearly:

 -q,  --seq-max=NUM         Maximum number of multiple sequential characters
 -r,  --occurrence-max=NUM  Maximum number of occurrence of a character

This means, that you  should use -q if you want to limit the repetition of some characters (directly attached to each other).
-r instead should be used if you want to limit the occurrence within the whole password candidate (or lets say the whole output line).

The values are numbers (NUM), so an example could be:
mp64.exe -q 3 ?a?a?a?a?a

Thanks Now I understood..-q Function...I Was searching for this....But Dear In -r Function Can You Give me example If Possible Smile
Sorry To Disturb,,I got -q & -r in Mind.Thanks a Lot Smile U r very Helpful ^_^
I need to accomplish a complex scenario. I know the password is 10 Hex Uppercase keyspace (0123456789ABCDEF) but combinations wise, that's 1100 Billion possible passwords (16^10). What if I know that the password has only a max of 3 HEX characters and the rest are decimals, meaning I want mp64 to produce words like 43521A9870 or 9274A184B2 or A274E184B2 but NOT 43F2EA98C0 which has 4 HEX chars.

If I run something like this: mp64 -1 0123456789ABCDEF -r 3 ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1 then it will limit decimals as well as HEX to a maximum of 3 occurrences.

Tried the following but it gave me a syntax error:

mp64 -1 ABCDEF -r 3 -2 ?1?d ?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2

My reasoning for "-2 ?1?d" is because I want it to be either a hex or decimal but be able to specify that the HEX chars (ABCDEF) only occur 3 times.

Can anyone help?
Those parameters -r and -q they were meant to be used in a "word" context. If one tries to brute-force a word, then there's little chance to have 3 times "q" in a row. Your situation is completely different. It is a random or quasi-random generated password, there's good chances to have 3 times "0" in a row.
Sorry I have to post here, I can not raise a new post yet

I use mp32 version 0.73 and get strange results

The --help explains it very clearly:

-q, --seq-max=NUM Maximum number of multiple sequential characters
-r, --occurrence-max=NUM Maximum number of occurrence of a character

and here is my command
mp32 -q 2 -r 2 ?l?l?l?l ; max 2x sequential allowed, max reoccurence of a character is 2x BUT very surprising "aazj" (sequential of 'a'=2),"abza" (occurence of 'a')=2 PW are not there.

Only when I use
mp32 -q 3 -r 3 ?l?l?l?l then I can get "aazj" in the combinations

for q and r these are the min I have to set to see the 2x sequential 3 x occurent

c:\HC>mp32 -q 3 -r 3 ?l?l?l?l | grep -i aabz

c:\HC>mp32 -q 3 -r 4 ?l?l?l?l | grep -i aaba
any one?

I am not sure how many people use -q and -r but the more I thought about it I am convinced -q -r are misleading. What q achieves should be result of r, and vice versa.

with -q, --seq-max=NUM Maximum number of multiple sequential characters, I understand aa1234 would be pass, aaa would be a fail

with -r, --occurrence-max=NUM Maximum number of occurrence of a character, I understand with -r 2, two occurent is ok, three would fail

look at this:

c:\HC\hashcat>mp32 -q 3 ?l?l?l?l | grep zzaz

c:\HC\hashcat>mp32 -q 2 ?l?l?l?l | grep zzaz

c:\HC\hashcat>mp32 -r 2 ?l?l?l?l | grep zzaz

c:\HC\hashcat>mp32 -r 3 ?l?l?l?l | grep zzaz

c:\HC\hashcat>mp32 -r 4 ?l?l?l?l | grep zzaz

opposite round. Misleading definition. Or "your English" is strange.