hashcat Forum

Full Version: Cracking SHA when I know the salt - is this the right way?
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I've cracked some hashes and the results looks like this:
So I know that the salt is 1234 appended at the end of the password.
Now, I fire up cudaHashCat and enter this:
cudaHashCat64.exe -m 110 7xxa1a94xxbe3cxx660xx237ecxxf505804xxdac:1234

Is this the correct way? It doesn't seem to progress - Recovered (0%), Digests (0%), Speed 0h/s.
You haven't specified an attack mode. If you have a wordlist/dictionary called english.txt (in the same folder as hashcat) use this:

Quote:cudaHashCat64.exe -m 110 -a 0 7xxa1a94xxbe3cxx660xx237ecxxf505804xxdac:1234 english.txt
That's what some people think is a good salting method? Oh dear.