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Full Version: Best Affordable GPU for oclhashcat Q4'15 ???
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I would like to ask you which is the best affordable GPU for using it with the oclhashcat. Also what is the difference between buying an OEM card (MSI R9 290x) and a retail one (Club 3D R9 290x)?

Sorry if i'm asking questions for newbies. I am using the oclhashcat for hobby password cracking with a GT 430 and it seems to be decent for cracking small numeric sha512 passwords but i would like something better.

Thank you.
Define "affordable" and the answer will present itself. Also think about what affordable means in terms of your electricity bill too as AMD Radeon cards are thirstier than nVidia's.
Well by "affordable" i mean something between the range of $200 - $400. At this point i am considering 2x hd 7990 or 2 x hd 7950 and the newer 290x but i would like to know which configuration is better.

One card i am looking at is this
I think this is what you're looking for.

You'll have to check current prices yourself and decide from there.
Thank you for posting this link. Indeed it is very useful and has answered a lot of my questions! Although i would like a more extensive analysis about why the reference cards are better in the gpu password cracking than the OEM-design counter parts. As i see it i think i will buy the AMD Radeon HD 7970 reference design card which it is most likely to cover my needs.
(09-18-2015, 05:27 PM)Captain_Harlock Wrote: [ -> ]Although i would like a more extensive analysis about why the reference cards are better in the gpu password cracking than the OEM-design counter parts.

Short answer: they blow air out the back of the case.
Yes i've read that already. Apart from that, are there any special characteristics which are related to the GPU utilization during the password cracking activities and it's auto tuning?
Depending on how much heat is being generated, you may have to override the GPU's fan control to run faster. Search the forums.
(09-18-2015, 06:33 PM)rico Wrote: [ -> ]Depending on how much heat is being generated, you may have to override the GPU's fan control to run faster. Search the forums.

Well i guess the answer was waiting for me there in the same thread you have provided a couple of posts after the initial one. https://hashcat.net/forum/thread-3949-page-3.html
One more question is it better to get 2x 7950 or 1x 7970 ?

Thank you!
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