11-22-2015, 03:41 AM
I've had this problem for quite sometime, i just decided to have other people crack hashes for me when I needed them but I'm bored and this is really starting to piss me off. I can't seem to fix this problem, everytime i try to crack a hash i get
ERROR: C:\Users\myusername\documents\oclHashcat-1.37\rules: Permission Denied
I've tried taking ownership , changing the permissions of the folder , changing the permissions of CMD.exe ... literally everything. The only thing i've found weird was that the folders were set to read-only and ive tried to uncheck the box and apply and click ok , then i check the folders again and it still fucking saying read-only! Then i've noticed that if i click properties on some files at the bottom is says "This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer." ... anyone else run into the same problem? Got a solution?
Please help
ERROR: C:\Users\myusername\documents\oclHashcat-1.37\rules: Permission Denied
I've tried taking ownership , changing the permissions of the folder , changing the permissions of CMD.exe ... literally everything. The only thing i've found weird was that the folders were set to read-only and ive tried to uncheck the box and apply and click ok , then i check the folders again and it still fucking saying read-only! Then i've noticed that if i click properties on some files at the bottom is says "This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer." ... anyone else run into the same problem? Got a solution?
Please help