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Full Version: dictionary attack problem
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in oclhashcat 1.37 with these options  -a 0 -m 1000 <my hashes> <my dic> take log time to crack .and not use gpu and gpu usage are 0.because of small dic.when i give oclhashcat a big dic it start cracking on gpu but again are so slow.take log time to progress.and one by one check the hashes.all test is on 4 r9 390x.

but when i test my hashes with that dic on hashcat-cli on cpu it take 2 minutes to crack all of them.and the speed are amazing.

i use -r rules/.... all of them not work on gpu and again speed was horrible.

what is the problem ??
You cannot gain any GPU acceleration using a straight dictionary attack against fast hashes, as you have no modifier. To get GPU acceleration you must have some work for the GPU to do (add rules, use hybrid/combinator mode, etc.)

This is covered on the FAQ: http://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=freq...full_speed
(12-01-2015, 09:39 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]You cannot gain any GPU acceleration using a straight dictionary attack against fast hashes, as you have no modifier. To get GPU acceleration you must have some work for the GPU to do (add rules, use hybrid/combinator mode, etc.)

This is covered on the FAQ: http://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=freq...full_speed

i have 10000 user hashes.and a dictionary.in hybrid or combinations i should set mask and i dont want to  set mask.i just want to test my dic on hashes.i test rules but just increase number of work progress.
i test for fast hash like ntlm and i have 5000 user with bcrypt .i use all test on bcrypt hashes and the resault not difrrent.
for my task can u tel me the best solution?
You should use cpu hashcat. That's why it exists. GPU is not always the best tool for the job.