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Full Version: Understanding "Recovered..." field
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I've been tinkering with a salted SHA1 for practice, and have been getting confused with the "Recovered field."

When hashcat fails to find the password, I see the below. What I'm not following is that the salt is supplied with -m 110 following the PASS:SALT format, so why does it not at least show 1/1 Salts?

"Recovered......: 0/1 (0.00%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts"
It will show Digests 1/1 when you crack the password. If you have more than one hash and you recover one it would look like Recovered 1/2 Digests 1/2.
(12-09-2015, 02:49 AM)coolbry95 Wrote: [ -> ]It will show Digests 1/1 when you crack the password. If you have more than one hash and you recover one it would look like Recovered 1/2 Digests 1/2.

Perhaps you misread my question. I'm asking why I don't see 1/1 Salts, not Digests.
You would see 1/1 salts if it recovered the password for that salt. Since you failed to recover the password, that salt was not eliminated.
(12-09-2015, 03:45 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]You would see 1/1 salts if it recovered the password for that salt. Since you failed to recover the password, that salt was not eliminated.

Thanks for clarifying.