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Full Version: Oracle 11 Auth_session and Auth_password
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I'm looking for option or trick to crack Oracle auth_password that taken from network
Is there any option in hashct for this?
(06-09-2016, 07:00 PM)ako0ri Wrote: [ -> ]I'm looking for option or trick to crack Oracle auth_password that taken from network
Is there any option in hashct for this?



these links can help to implement code for hashcat
i think easiest way to crack is that we just hash our passwords and then try to decrypt auth_session with our hashed password and check for valid padding in begging of decrypted session. for ver 11.
Atom could you please answer my question?
Have you any plan to add this password type for Hashcat?
This is the wrong place to ask for new algorithms. Please use github
I post my request on github 2 days ago https://github.com/hashcat/oclHashcat/issues/371
But nobody answer me yet
you did not add example hash and plain