i use the hashcat gui and hashcat 2.01
i cracking a MD5 list. but sometimes i get a $HEX output.
for example
i know the plain pass. it is
can you tell me why hashcat dont output the plainpass ?? why i get HEX. maybe hashcat dont know the German charsets ?
sorry for my bad english
hashcat doesn't know any language specific charsets. Or said differently, it works byte-wise and therefore knows all of them. Anyway when the password contains a byte outside 0x20-0x80 it displayed as $HEX. You can turn that off using --outfile-autohex-disablem but then you have to deal with encoding yourself
or maybe you know how i can convert it to text ?? when i use this page
and i put this lines in box.
i get this
but it must be this
can help me please ?
EDIT:// i have found a tool. it calls Hashmanager !!
Note that you don't need to convert it if you want to use it from hashcat as wordlist. Hashcat detects them automatically and converts them internally.
what i must to do ? that hashcat convert it automaticly ?? i see much $HEX lines in my output. also, i cant see that hashcat convert it automaticly
(08-01-2016, 01:52 AM)DonVIto Wrote: [ -> ]what i must to do ? that hashcat convert it automaticly ?? i see much $HEX lines in my output. also, i cant see that hashcat convert it automaticly
use --outfile-autohex-disable if you don't want to output the cracks as $HEX