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there are video with it.

I still got an error message when i start oclHashcat Lite

i will try to copy again the error

it have 4 x 6970 HD powercolor 940mhz 2gb
mainboard msi big marshal.

I think is driver problem of the video.

if you see this post atom maybe u tell me if it will work or not.

First time i have installed windows 7 and get a blue screen error
Then i installed windows 8 developer center, this worked good but when i try to start the bruteforce it got stucked.
Then i reinstall other version of windows 7 ultimate ... sometimes get a bluescreen.
I dont know what can be the problem with it. If you know some tricks atom please reply to my post because i dont know wich will be the problem.
I tought the video driver.
sorry, no idea
Now it work the bruteforce here i attached a screenshot with the speed.
Wow good speed,
this is extra for bruteforce , my speed is crappy, i try days and night to broken wpa/wpa2 and nothing Sad
it work good but need something more for cooling since if i leave it to work with bruteforce then the temperature is going up very fast......
i make now the windows updates because when i restart it sometimes get a blue screen.

some drivers or maybe some parts of pc not works good, like memories ....
2x5970 @820mhz gives same speed. 4xhd6950 1gb @900mhz same. 2x6990 @900mhz gives 8100+ ... So whats all about here? Your cards not give full potential as you should have about 8300mh/s on these clocks.
(10-19-2011, 08:36 PM)KT819GM Wrote: [ -> ]2x5970 @820mhz gives same speed. 4xhd6950 1gb @900mhz same. 2x6990 @900mhz gives 8100+ ... So whats all about here? Your cards not give full potential as you should have about 8300mh/s on these clocks.

2x 5970 i have other computer and the speed is ~6500M/s 750 mhz 512 bits .
maybe the cooling thing is the fault and dont work with better speed ....I tought also what you said that i was expecting around 8000...
it was the first test of it maybe on next i will get some more speed...... but i dont know.
I dont think your GPUs are stable at 940 Mhz, that's why you get bsods.
(10-19-2011, 08:51 PM)clasicunlock Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-19-2011, 08:36 PM)KT819GM Wrote: [ -> ]2x5970 @820mhz gives same speed. 4xhd6950 1gb @900mhz same. 2x6990 @900mhz gives 8100+ ... So whats all about here? Your cards not give full potential as you should have about 8300mh/s on these clocks.

2x 5970 i have other computer and the speed is ~6500M/s 750 mhz 512 bits .
maybe the cooling thing is the fault and dont work with better speed ....I tought also what you said that i was expecting around 8000...
it was the first test of it maybe on next i will get some more speed...... but i dont know.

KT819GM you have right i raised up the clock on the 5970 from 725 mhz to 820 mhz how you said and now the speed is around 7400+7450M/s Smile

Here is screenshot attached.

The other with this 4x6970 still not work the catalyst very good to change little the speed from 940 to 960 to see the result.
But i will post the speed after overclock it.

Thx for the info KT819GT.
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