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Full Version: SHA-3 (Keccak) benchmark
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Hello ,
i'm running hashcat 3.1 on windows 10 in benchmark mode in a system with dual OpenCl devices one intel hd graphics 4600 (OpenCl version 1.2) and a nvidia graphics card. My command is: hashcat64.exe -m 5000 -b
The problem is that hashcat freeze and a notification appear:
Display Driver has stopped responding and has recovered
Display driver Intel Hd Graphics Driver for Windows(R)
stopped responding and has successfully recovered
I want to know if i can do something for resolve the problem
and if someone else had this problem before
Thank you all
Try with your nvidia device only
(08-23-2016, 09:38 AM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]Try with your nvidia device only

Thank you
I managed to solve the problem with the old registry patch (timeout_patch)

Thank you all
good krk