hashcat Forum

Full Version: About --keep-guessing
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Quote:New option --keep-guessing: Continue cracking hashes even after they have been cracked (to find collisions)

Would it be possible to have the exact opposite ? To stop hashcat after one found collision  ?

How would that differ from standard behavior?
Almost not at all. I guess it would alter the behavior for any hashes that already keep guessing (is it 7-Zip?)
OP needs to clarify
For Office <2003 , hashcat find dozens of collisions. What if I only want one ? I could use "--no-keep-guessing" Smile
"--no-keep-guessing" keep guessing and never end 'Quote me if am wrong'

Wiz Kid -- System administrator -  Breaking barriers  password security '262,044,195 words & [/w 3,005,21 new words daily added]  --
OK, then it's like royce meant. Please add an issue on github, then I'll add it.
I've requested the --no-keep-guessing flag here:
