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hello atom,

is there a possibility of having support for an --stdout option in the next release of oclhashcat?

this --stdout option would print the list of word combinations being generated by oclhashcat

At present, we have oclhashcat and oclhashcat-plus as 2 separate programs. there's no option to bruteforce or mask attacks in oclhashcat-plus. To combine the 2 features I wanted to use the --stdout option to pipe output of one program to input of another.

I have already tried the mask processor, mp64.exe, but it doesn't utilize the speed of the GPU quite well. It is possible to run multiple instances of oclhashcat-plus, however, it still doesn't give good results.

just wanted to know the feasibility of this.

you can use the maskprocessor (see wiki). It won't get any faster than this.
maskprocessor is fastest wordgenerator. you must read the the optimization section http://hashcat.net/wiki/brute_force_in_oclhashcat_plus