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Full Version: Proper meaning of status codes?
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I saw the status codes under docs section and I want to make a clear meaning out of them. Can someone help me?

status codes on exit:
-2 = gpu-watchdog alarm (I am assuming this triggers when there is an issue with running hashcat with GPU. Correct?)
-1 = error (When is this triggered? When proper parameters are not provided?)
 0 = OK/cracked
 1 = exhausted
 2 = aborted (Triggered with Ctrl+C?)
 3 = aborted by checkpoint (When is this triggered?)
 4 = aborted by runtime (How diff is it from status code 2?)
(04-09-2017, 07:49 PM)ytbe.use3 Wrote: [ -> ]I saw the status codes under docs section and I want to make a clear meaning out of them. Can someone help me?

status codes on exit:
-2 = gpu-watchdog alarm (I am assuming this triggers when there is an issue with running hashcat with GPU. Correct?)
-1 = error (When is this triggered? When proper parameters are not provided?)
 0 = OK/cracked
 1 = exhausted
 2 = aborted (Triggered with Ctrl+C?)
 3 = aborted by checkpoint (When is this triggered?)
 4 = aborted by runtime (How diff is it from status code 2?)

Can @atom or someone else help me with understanding this please?

Also, if I try to kill my hashcat from task manager on windows...It still gives me exit status 1 (it gives me exit status 1 for keyspace exhaustion which makes sense but why for killing from task manager?)...Should it not be exit status 2 or something?
-2 whenever the temperature limit was reached
-1 in case of errors (arguments or other inputs - also input files etc)
2 in case the 'q' key was hit
3 in case the 'c' key was hit (checkpoint quit feature)
4 in case the run time limit was reached (--runtime)