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Full Version: --show step too slow using large file
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I am trying to crack a 100 million lines md5 based hash list. 

I started by spliting in 10 million files.

Then i ran:

./hashcat64.bin -a 3 -m  0  --potfile-path ./md5.pot --username   <nameofthefilewithhashes> ?l?l?l?l?l?l ?l?l 

that took several hours to complete and cracked 70% of passwords, i can see that the md5.pot file is now populated (around 200Mbytes). Then i run:

./hashcat64.bin -a 3 -m  0  --potfile-path ./md5.pot -o <nameofoutputfile> --outfile-format 2 --username   <nameofthefilewithhashes>  --show

This is taking forever to complete (more than 24 hours already) is this expected? 

I did a test with a 10.000 hashes list and it took more than 3 minutes to create the  file using --show. based on that, the 10 million file would take more than 2 days...is this expected behavior? Anything that can be done? I would expect the crack to take longer than to match each cracked password to the original username...

Many thanks in advance

So...72 hours already and still running. One CPU at 100% so i guess is still on it...any hints? Many thanks in advance
The problem here is the --username switch. This causes hashcat to allocate a large memory block for each hash. If you have 100 million, it will take years. So the solution would be to not use --username and merge it afterwards yourself.
(05-07-2017, 08:07 PM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]The problem here is the --username switch. This causes hashcat to allocate a large memory block for each hash. If you have 100 million, it will take years. So the solution would be to not use --username and merge it afterwards yourself.

Great, many thanks for your answer... i ended up cancelling it after 4 days. I think i will do something like this after finishing the cracking exercise:

1.- Sort the username-hash list by hash
2.- Sort the hash - password pot file by hash
3 .- Create a new file by reading each line in  1 and finding it in 2  unless the line hash value is equal to the previous line one.

Let see how long that takes, probably a long time as well as it would have to go over the pot file again and again. I will work on how to improve the algorithm and will post the results. Many thanks again