05-25-2017, 12:35 PM
Hello everyone,
I looked at the forum rules and I think it is not problem to ask my question. I just wonder that I can use specific algorithm with hashcat or not?
I write the dcryption c# code below. 'b5961257cyT5e3' salt string and I don't remember the secretPass and I gotta decrpyt some data.
I wrote a simple software for bruteforce but it is really very slow.
So, I want to ask that I am able to use hashcat for my problem or any idea about how I can solve my problem?
Thank you to all for your answer in advance.
I looked at the forum rules and I think it is not problem to ask my question. I just wonder that I can use specific algorithm with hashcat or not?
I write the dcryption c# code below. 'b5961257cyT5e3' salt string and I don't remember the secretPass and I gotta decrpyt some data.
I wrote a simple software for bruteforce but it is really very slow.
So, I want to ask that I am able to use hashcat for my problem or any idea about how I can solve my problem?
Thank you to all for your answer in advance.
public static string Dec(string CipheredText, string SecretPass)
RijndaelManaged managedRjdl = new RijndaelManaged();
Rfc2898DeriveBytes bytes = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(SecretPass, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("b5961257cyT5e3"));
managedRjdl.Key = bytes.GetBytes(managedRjdl.KeySize / 8);
managedRjdl.IV = bytes.GetBytes(managedRjdl.BlockSize / 8);
ICryptoTransform transformCrypto = managedRjdl.CreateDecryptor(managedRjdl.Key, managedRjdl.IV);
using (MemoryStream streamM = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(CipheredText)))
using (CryptoStream streamC = new CryptoStream(streamM, transformCrypto, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(streamC))
return reader.ReadToEnd();