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Full Version: Problema en iniciar Hashcat Handshake
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Saludos estoy intentando usar Hashcat windows con una Gpu Amd radeon hd 6870 y me muestra esto y probado con 6 apretón de manos y nada el obtengo del wifixlax y después de la transportación en un usb a windows este error que me aparece

los programas estan actualizados los descarge desde la pagina oficial y la gui desde hashkiller

Hashcat (v3.6.0) empezando ...

Plataforma OpenCL # 1: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
* Dispositivo # 1: Intel (R) Core (TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz, 8122/8122 MB asignable, 8MCU

Hashfile 'C: \ Usuarios \ a3g6r5t06 \ Desktop \ Familia (C0-C1-C0-0D-59-BA) .cap': Firma hccapx no válida
No hay hashes cargados.

Comenzado: Wed Jul 12 04:02:07 2017
Dejado: mié Jul 12 04:02:07 2017

C: \ Usuarios \ a3g6r5t06 \ Desktop \ hashcat-3.6.0>
6870 is too old and not supported.

you need to extract the handshake into a hccapx file, not cap.

@wirelees Last warning (before you get banned, next time): Forum rules exists for good reasons and (actually the first rule of this small set of rules) https://hashcat.net/forum/announcement-2.html emphasizes that only english is allowed within this forum
Thanks Undeath and my apologies forum moderator Philsmd but do the Undeath conversion with the hashcat page and this comes out on my monitor
Zero-value time stamps were detected in the file: in / 1x4x1_1x9x88x9x3.cap.

This avoids the correct EAPOL-Key time-out calculation.

Do not use preprocessing the capture file with tools like wpaclean.
When I try to convert it
Another question but my VGA when being old does or will not run the software
Some of what you posted did not translate correctly, what I understood looks like a warning about using the "wpaclean" tool. An alternative is to use "wlandump-ng" from the hcxtools repo. wlandump-ng will give you a pcap output that can be converted to hccapx without giving you these errors.
