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Full Version: Hashcat won't run on large wordlist?
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Hey guys. Been using hashcat for a few months now, so I know my way around the program pretty well I'd say.

Today I grabbed a really large wordlist, however it seems Hashcat won't load it which is strange because Aircrack-ng will load the entire thing and allow me to run it against my CPU.

Here's the output:

OpenCL Platform #1: NVIDIA Corporation
* Device #1: GeForce GTX 1070, 2027/8110 MB allocatable, 16MCU

OpenCL Platform #2: The pocl project
* Device #2: pthread-Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz, skipped.

Generated bitmap tables...

It hangs for a long time. However, sometimes after about 15 minutes eventually I get:

Generated bitmap tables...Segmentation fault

Sometimes, and only sometimes I'll get:

Generated bitmap tables...Segmentation fault
Insufficient Memory

To clarify. I get those 3 situations at random. Sometimes it just hangs at generated bitmap tables... other times I get the seg fault and insufficient memory error or just the seg fault.

Is there a way to get this to run on Hashcat? The wordlist isn't THAT big. It's 39.8GB with 1165673667 keys. Why is it that I can't run it through hashcat but I can run through aircrack-ng?

Of course I could use aircrack-ng but I'd be looking at approximately 3 days and 10 hours @ 4,000k/sec. Hashcat could do it in a fraction of the time if I could get it to work.

Anyone got any ideas?
My guess is it's running out of memory. You could take how much memory your system has free and breaking it into chunks smaller than that, then run them one after the other via script.
Maybe you tried to load the wordlist as hashlist. Please post commandline 1:1