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Товарищи помогите.
Все голову сломал, вроде все драйвера установил, но работать не хочет.
comrades help, drivers established, no work. my english bad, sorry.

Z:\hashcat-3.6.0\hashcat-3.6.0>hashcat64.exe -t 32 -a 7 example0.hash ?a?a?a?a e
hashcat (v3.6.0) starting...

* Device #1: Not a native Intel OpenCL runtime. Expect massive speed loss.
             You can use --force to override, but do not report related errors.
* Device #2: Outdated or broken Intel OpenCL runtime detected!

You are STRONGLY encouraged to use the officially supported NVIDIA driver.
See hashcat.net for officially supported NVIDIA drivers.
See also: https://hashcat.net/faq/wrongdriver
You can use --force to override this, but do not report related errors.

Started: Fri Sep 01 18:25:16 2017
Stopped: Fri Sep 01 18:25:17 2017

Для продолжения нажмите любую клавишу . . .
Which GPU? Which driver?
(09-02-2017, 10:49 AM)Flomac Wrote: [ -> ]Which GPU? Which driver?

Intel core i5 430m 2.27ghz
amd mobily radeon hd 5800 series
Catalyst Software Suite 15.7.1
Radeon Software Crimson Edition Beta 16.2.1 Beta
You can download the intel OpenCL CPU driver here: https://software.intel.com/en-us/article...PU_runtime for your 430m CPU.

the GPU is way too old.
all i installed
1.software for identification processors
2.intel turbo boost technology driver
3.asus multi frame
4.intel driver update utility
5.driver fusion
6.intel sdk for opencl for windows
7.nvidia system software
8.amd install manager
(09-02-2017, 12:07 PM)philsmd Wrote: [ -> ]You can download the intel OpenCL CPU driver here: https://software.intel.com/en-us/article...PU_runtime for your 430m CPU.

the GPU is way too old.
many thanks
what would be better 2 rx 480 or 2 gtx 1070?
Guess.Base.......: File (example.dict), Right Side
What is this file?